
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Barret Browning: Know Your St. Louis Cardinals Call-Ups - SB Nation (blog)

It is time, unfortunately, for another version of America's most disconcertingly regular series of blog entries: Know Your St. Louis Cardinals Call-Up! Today's contestant is Barret Browning, a 27-year-old left-handed reliever who made it out of the hurricane of left-handed mediocrity that's been swirling in AAA Memphis since J.C. Romero was released. (Also tried and found wanting, in addition to Browning and Sam Freeman: Nick Greenwood, R.J. Swindle, John Gaub, and Clay Zavada.) With Freeman and Eduardo Sanchez sent down, Browning joins former contestant Maikel Cleto on the good side of the bullpen's revolving door.

As for Browning himself, he has the misfortune of being taken for a typo during a Google search--as of today the search engine will change his name automatically, as my fellow English majors might already suspect, to "barrett browning," as in Victorian poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

As of today, Google, I do not. Browning has put up unimpressive numbers to date in the minor leagues, but his stint with Memphis was the best of all the Cardinals' less-than-stellar options, and he's got as good a chance as Freeman of sticking for the rest of the season. How desperate are the Cardinals? Let me count the transactions.

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